Exploring WooCommerce Logger Class

The WooCommerce Logger Class is a powerful tool that allows you to efficiently manage various types of logs, organize them into separate files, and seamlessly display them within the WooCommerce environment. In this post, we’ll delve into the different types of logs, and discuss how to add separate files for your plugin.

1. Unlocking the Potential of the WooCommerce Logger Class

Mastering the WooCommerce Logger Class is effortlessly facilitated by integrating a user-friendly function that returns an instance of the class. This method, aptly named wc_get_logger(), serves as your gateway to streamlined and efficient logging within the WooCommerce ecosystem.

2. Types of Logs

  1. Emergency Logs: Critical errors that require immediate attention.
  2. Alert Logs: Urgent issues that need prompt resolution.
  3. Critical Logs: Severe errors that demand attention.
  4. Error Logs: Standard error messages for easier debugging.
  5. Warning Logs: Potential issues that may cause problems in the future.
  6. Notice Logs: General notices to keep track of important events.
  7. Info Logs: Informational messages for routine tracking.
  8. Debug Logs: Detailed information useful for development and debugging.
wc_get_logger()->emergency( 'emergency' );
wc_get_logger()->alert( 'alert' );
wc_get_logger()->critical( 'critical' );
wc_get_logger()->error( 'error' );
wc_get_logger()->warning( 'warning' );
wc_get_logger()->notice( 'notice' );
wc_get_logger()->info( 'info' );
wc_get_logger()->debug( 'debug' );

3. Adding Separate Files for Your Plugin

Organizing logs into separate files can greatly enhance the manageability of your plugin’s debugging process. To add separate files for your plugin:

wc_get_logger()->debug( 'YOUR MESSAGE', array('source' => 'YOUR-PLUGIN-NAME') );

WooCommerce automatically generates a file identified by the source 'YOUR-PLUGIN-NAME', incorporating both the date and a unique hash number. The resulting filename format is as follows: 'YOUR-PLUGIN-NAME-2024-01-13-3e56444e45e067ae7d8bf0b84415560b.log'. This structured nomenclature ensures the creation of distinct log files, each marked by its origin, timestamp, and a secure hash for precise tracking and management.

4. Displaying Your Logs in WooCommerce

While WooCommerce securely stores log files in the directory wp-content/uploads/wc-logs, accessing log content is conveniently facilitated through the admin interface. By navigating to WooCommerce > Status > Logs, you gain instant visibility into the log details, enabling efficient monitoring and troubleshooting directly from the administrative dashboard.

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