
  • Leveraging WooCommerce Mailer to Send Emails

    WooCommerce, being extensible by design, provides a robust email system, known as WooCommerce Mailer. This system allows you to send various types of emails, including transactional ones like order receipts, shipping notifications, and customer account updates.

  • Customizing WooCommerce Orders: Adding Custom Statuses

    WooCommerce provides a robust framework for managing orders. However, sometimes the default order statuses might not fully align with your business processes. In such cases, adding custom statuses can be incredibly useful. Whether you want to distinguish between different stages of fulfillment or have unique statuses for specific types of orders, WooCommerce allows you to tailor the order management system to fit your needs.

  • WooCommerce Payment Method Integration for the Checkout Block

    In WooCommerce version 8.3 and beyond, the Checkout Blocks have become the standard for new installations, revolutionizing the user experience. If your extension integrates with a payment gateway, adapting to the block-based checkout is crucial. In this article, I will guide you through the process of seamlessly integrating and supporting Checkout Blocks for your payment gateway, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction process for your users.

  • Optimizing WooCommerce: A Guide to High-Performance Order Storage

    In the dynamic world of e-commerce, where speed and efficiency are paramount, optimizing order storage in WooCommerce becomes crucial for a seamless shopping experience. The High-Performance-Order-Storage feature in WooCommerce provides developers with tools to enhance the performance of order-related operations. In this article, we’ll explore how developers can implement their code for compatibility with WooCommerce’s High-Performance-Order-Storage (HPOS).

  • Exploring WooCommerce Logger Class

    The WooCommerce Logger Class is a powerful tool that allows you to efficiently manage various types of logs, organize them into separate files, and seamlessly display them within the WooCommerce environment. In this post, we’ll delve into the different types of logs, and discuss how to add separate files for your plugin.

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  • Managing Similar Payment Methods in WooCommerce: Enabling One While Disabling the Other

    I’ve been working on a plugin featuring two payment gateways. However, users cannot activate both of them simultaneously. Therefore, if a user activates the first one, the second one should automatically deactivate.

  • Utilizing Products as Accessories in Single Product View

    When it comes to selling products online, offering accessory options can greatly enhance the customer experience.

    Showcasing related accessories on a single product page allows customers to explore additional items that complement their purchase, increasing the chances of upselling and cross-selling. By presenting accessories in a strategic manner, businesses can provide a convenient and seamless shopping experience for their customers.

  • Implement Ajax-Based Recently Viewed Products in WooCommerce, Compatible with Cache Plugins

    In the competitive world of e-commerce, providing a personalized and seamless shopping experience is crucial.

    One effective way to achieve this is by displaying recently viewed products to customers. When users can easily revisit the products they have shown interest in, it enhances their overall browsing experience and encourages them to make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Adding Custom Fields And Modifying Existing Fields in WooCommerce Checkout page

    The checkout page in WooCommerce serves as the last step in the buying journey, where customers provide their shipping and payment information.

    By default, WooCommerce offers standard fields such as name, address, email, and payment details.

    However, in many cases, businesses require additional information from customers during the checkout process to tailor the purchasing experience or gather specific details for order fulfillment.

  • Enhancing WooCommerce Backend: Displaying Stock for Each Variation in a Variable Product

    When managing an online store, it’s crucial to have accurate and up-to-date stock information for each variation of a variable product.

    This helps ensure that customers can make informed purchasing decisions based on availability, and it enables store owners to effectively manage inventory, prevent overselling, and streamline order fulfillment processes.
